Due to their complexity, cryptographic systems place high demands on small processors and embedded systems in particular. In combination with the demand for high data throughput at the lowest possible hardware costs, this results in fundamental problems for the developer, which will be examined in this lecture.
The lecture deals with the most interesting aspects of how to implement current cryptographic methods on practical hardware platforms. Cryptographic systems such as the block cipher AES, the hash functions as well as asymmetric systems RSA and ECC are covered.
The efficient implementation of these cryptographic systems, in particular with regard to optimization for high speed, is discussed on modern platforms and implemented in exercises using the hardware description language VHDL.

After successful completion of the module Students will have learned the concepts of problem-oriented hardware development with abstract hardware description languages (VHDL) as well as the simulation of hardware designs. They master (a) standard and (b) optimization techniques for cryptographic systems at hardware level and can (c) realize complete implementations of symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems on modern platforms.


  • basic knowledge of digital circuit design
  • basic knowledge of data security and cryptography, basic knowledge of a hardware design language VHDL/Verilog
  • basic knowledge of computer architecture