Part 1: Introductory topics
. Introduction to Quantum mechanics ( states, measurements, evolution, postulates of quantum mechanics, uncertainty relation, no-cloning theorem)
. Quantum entanglement theory ( resource theory of entanglement, multipartite entanglement, mixed state entanglement, entanglement detection/criteria, entanglement measures )
. Quantum channels ( Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism, Kraus decomposition, quantum instruments )
. Protocols ( purification, teleportation, quantum key distribution)
. Quantum error correction (stabilizer formalism, CSS codes, bounds on codes)

Part 2: Quantum Shannon Theory
. Distance Measures
. Classical Information and Entropy
. Quantum Information and Entropy
. Entropic inequalities
. The Information of Quantum Channels
Qualifikationsziele / Lernergebnisse:

The students will learn how to interpret, process, and measure the amount of information in a quantum experiment. The objective will be achieved by covering all the basic concepts of the quantum information theory in full generality and depth: Noisy quantum state preparation, noisy quantum evolution, and noisy quantum measurements. The topics of the course are complementary to the ones presented in the Introduction to Quantum Computation course
Literatur: Lecture notes.